WTF is it for?

The standard product line-up routine is: Cleanser, Toner/Astringent, Exfoliant, Mask, Day & Night Cream, Eye Cream. To this you generally will add a serum or a specific treatment product, and then whatever else makes you happy and beautiful. So today we will talk about toners. What are they for, what does it do, why do I need it?

Right off the bat there is nothing wrong with a toner, but it is not a necessary product in MY opinion.

One reasoning for Toner is that it is used after the cleanser to remove the makeup the cleanser left behind. Just do a second cleanse to solve that problem. Also, toners are often put on cotton pads and wiped on, meaning dragged roughly across the face unnecessarily. Remember to use gentle upward motions!

Another reason some lines promote toners is they use the PH balance of it to return skin to a normal state after a harsher cleanse. Yet another reasoning is that they moisten the skin increasing the absorption level of products put on afterwards. IE: your moisturizer will ‘penetrate deeper’ when applied while the skin is still moist from toner. The same can hold true if you apply the moisturizer while your skin is still damp from washing it.

Astringent toners are more anti-bacterial in nature, so for an oilier skin with blemishes. The idea behind these usually is to ‘dry out’ zits and ‘get rid of shine’, so they generally strip away surface oils well. TOO well. Often astringents end up removing more of the skin’s natural barrier, making skin susceptible to environmental break-outs. Also, the less oil you have on your face (so the dryer your skin is), the MORE oil your skin will produce! It is going to try to fix the imbalance. Think of a callus on your foot. Has it ever been sloughed off so much it hurt to walk on? But when it grew back it was OK again. Well, the body will always try to put its protective barriers in place, and the skin is no different.

NOW, there are times they come in handy! I like floral water and tea mists. They are good to use while you have an exfoliant or masking product on. Mist every few minutes so it doesn’t dry out (you should NEVER let masks/clays/most anything dry and ‘crack’ on your face). Also, they can be helpful as a treatment aid, say you are red or flushed, some calming spray could help.

All in all, I say save your money for a product that gives your skin WAY more Bang for your buck!!