I trained in 1997 when it was all the rage to slather yourself in bovine or sea-based collagen. There are benefits to putting any high quality cream on your skin. Now everyone is starting to drink their collagen, and there are benefits for consuming quality protein and nutrients.
It isn’t bad for you to consume it, but think carefully about what the raw material is and where comes from. Personally, I like to make broths from the bones of my enemies as a source. I try to incorporate as much whole real food into my diet as possible, and I see the logical benefits for connective tissue (IF the digestive system doesn’t break them down..as per its job).
However, any home cooking from scratch will instantly be healthier and provide you with more nutrients than packaged or processed foods. As well as if you kinda eat like crap normally, adding a ‘helping a day’ of nutrients and amino acids is likely to produce positive changes.
Just like there isn’t any ONE diet that is keeping the world skinny, there isn’t ONE supplement that will fix your face.
You are a complete package: what you think, eat, drink and put on your skin all contribute to your appearance. Choosing to do something healthy for yourself is always a win, just spend the time to research 🙂
Check out these articles for more reading…