
I am moving my home starting April 4 2020. I will also be preparing my Spa Suite to open for when this whole Pandemic thing is over. So if I do not return your message or question quickly, please be patient with me😘


Stay Safe & Sane! If you deal with anxiety, depression or any other mental health issue, you already know life is a difficult balancing act between being able to cope and hiding away from it all. Most of us are hard on ourselves already: I’m not good enough,...


WTF is it for? The standard product line-up routine is: Cleanser, Toner/Astringent, Exfoliant, Mask, Day & Night Cream, Eye Cream. To this you generally will add a serum or a specific treatment product, and then whatever else makes you happy and beautiful. So...

Facial Kits

Professional Facial Protocol Delivery Kits are personalized to your specific requirements These are crazy times (you haven’t heard that yet, right?). My answer is Physically Distanced Skin Care! We are lucky enough to have so much power and ability because of...


Slap it on or Slurp it down? I trained in 1997 when it was all the rage to slather yourself in bovine or sea-based collagen. There are benefits to putting any high quality cream on your skin. Now everyone is starting to drink their collagen, and there are benefits for...

Covid19 & Ego

As much as I’d love to keep offering sanitary and quality services, I choose to do my part as a citizen in “flattening the curve”. I will be offering E-Consults and live discussions in addition to the text or email help you may have already used. 2...